Green Revolution celebrates 15 years of existence

Green Revolution celebrates 15 years of existence and launches the new website

Established in 2009, the urban ecology association Green Revolution celebrates 15 years of existence and impact in the community this year, reaffirming its mission to rebuild Romania’s cities on green principles. Along with the celebration of 15 years, Green Revolution launches the new website,

Over the past 15 years, Green Revolution has implemented extensive environmental education projects and collaborated with authorities to improve Romania’s environmental policies and strategies. Known for projects such as IVelo – bike-sharing, Roaba de Cultură, GreenBee, and many others – Green Revolution has impacted over 2.5 million unique beneficiaries through its projects.

With hundreds of partnerships established, both with the business environment and institutional partners and authorities, we have managed to create bridges for dialogue, change paradigms and mentalities, all for the benefit of the environment. Ecology means evolution, it means a healthier and happier life for us and future generations.

Green Revolution has become a national movement in Romania, thanks to the people who joined it and set a positive example through their actions, becoming advocates of the association’s messages in their own communities. They are #GreenChampions, and on this anniversary, Green Revolution aims to celebrate them through a dedicated social media campaign.

Whether we are talking about ordinary people, entrepreneurs, people from companies, or public institutions, everyone who has supported us is part of the success and mission for greener cities.

“The power of example is what inspires people to evolve and bring out the best in them. In the 15 years since we exist, the Green Revolution community has shown that together we can change mentalities and habits in favor of the environment, and we thank them for that. We wanted to capture all these achievements in one place, so on the new website, you will be able to see all the projects implemented by us over time, and of course, the current ones,” said Raluca Fișer, President of Green Revolution.

Among the most successful projects of the Green Revolution Association are:

  • We brought the first rental bikes to Bucharest through the I’Velo service.
  • We initiated and completed the Picnic Law as well as Law 132/2009 on selective waste collection in public institutions.
  • We opened parks and meadows for all city dwellers through the “Roaba de Cultură” project.
  • We built the first “spacecraft – GreenBee” in Tineretului Park for the environmental education of children.
  • We are the only organization in Romania in the leadership of International Cycling Federations.
  • We have the first and most complex environmental information portal in Romania – Green Report.
  • We are the organizers of the Green Report Gala – the most prestigious annual event for awarding successful sustainability projects.
  • We organized the first 2nd Life toy fair at “Roaba de Cultură”, the most important event for ecological and financial education for children.
  • We launched the Green Report Podcast about the environment.

Green Revolution in numbers:

  • We have impacted over 2.5 million people directly with our projects:
  • Over 1.2 million people have used the I’Velo bike-sharing service in the last 15 years.
  • Over 1 million people have visited the Roaba de Cultură meadow.
  • Over 60,000 people have participated in Green Report environmental conferences.
  • Over 78,000 people follow us monthly on
